
In Thy Name and Polaroids.

Valya - 072810

I am trying to stick to my promise from my last post.  I will no longer post my writing or photos if they aren't of a high level of quality.  I believe though I should share the best of other writers/artists. 

Dr. L wrote a great post titled, "What's in a Name".  She sums up why our names have little value, yet are of the most value right now.

My model friend Valya posted some Polaroid photos taken by Frank August.  The photos are of two natures.  First, a few are reminiscent of the snapshots we used to document events, yet have an edge of documenting something private.  The second set show how beautifully simple and artistic Polaroids can be.  They are some of the most sensual and beautiful images I have seen of Valya.  Both photographer and model did well.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love this! I think your Very Best with Valya so far! Her expression is so sensual and real.

    And thank you so much for mentioning the post about our names. I do think it's important. The intense black and bright white create a stunning visual.


Please tell me what you think.