
Going Down Farm Road 2257

I got bored and typed "2257" into Google and then I laughed. Other than a Wikipedia article about the regulations, all the rest of the hits were the 2257 compliance statements for various adult websites.

I then selected the images and the road sign above appeared for FM 2257 (Farm Road) in Texas. I had to find out where that road is. Here is a map of its location. I then took the Google drive down the road to see what it was like living on 2257. It was full of pretty trees and farms. It was very straight and narrow. After the first few miles it all looked the same. Green trees and not many people. After a few more miles I gave up because the scenery along 2257 is too boring.

Please look at the screen capture of FM2257 above. You can see how boring it is. The interesting part though is the advertisement at the bottom,
"Gay Welcoming Church - www.UUA.org - We stand for marriage equality A faith that reaches out to BGLT"

I support the Unitarian Universalist's open and progressive beliefs, but I find it interesting that a church is the sponsored ad for this lonely section of road.
Did they know I live near San Franciso? Do they assume I am gay? Is everyone driving down FM2257 searching for a church?

While I was researching this road, I thought of so many ways this lonely road in Texas is a metaphor (or analogy - I always get those two mixed up) for the regulations. Since Texas is about as conservative (except for the communist hub of Austin) as San Francisco is liberal, I wanted to classify the empty road and the people along it as a bunch of backward ignorant bible thumpers. I wanted to rant about how their narrow-minded world views are limiting my freedoms and restricting art. I changed my mind though because of the UUA church ad.

I don't know the people along FM2257. My gross generalizations about them may be unfounded, false and wrong. I should not prejudge them as the creators of regulation 2257 have prejudged that all artistic/erotic nude photographers create child pornography.


Please tell me what you think.