
This and That

Katie - 060210

Still working on the Dennis Hopper reflection post. The more I learn about that guy, the more I respect him.  Overall I like him, but there was some parts of his life that make me cringe as I study him.  That makes me respect him a little bit more.

In less than two weeks I will be in New York.  I've arranged to work with one model and may try to line up another.  There is a lot of great talent in that city (probably one of my biggest understatements).

Piernas (Andrea on the hood of my old truck)
So, Al and Tipper are splitting.  It sounds like it was a mutual decision and may even be amicable.  I wish them both well.  Who would have thought they would split the blanket before Bill and Hillary?

As I've mentioned before, sometimes I have a hard time when someone gives me a "photo suggestion."  After seeing the photo below of Andrea's incredible legs stretched so beautifully across the hood of my truck, a female friend said, "Pretty photo.  You know what you should do (I always cringe when I hear that, but sometimes the idea offered is good), you should take a self portrait of you stretched across the hood wearing your cowboy boots to show a "reality vs. fantasy theme."  My response was something like, "interesting idea."  I could tell this was more of what she wanted to do.  I have enough memories of being in, on, under, every part of that truck and some were good,  fun,  humorous, and some I'd rather forget.  For me and what I wanted to photograph and give contextual meaning to, that image is enough.


  1. I love the picture on the hood of the truck. It brings several iconic elements together - high heels, pretty legs, and the metal hood of a car or truck. Simple but loaded.

  2. How interesting. I too will be mentioning Al Gore in my next blog post.


Please tell me what you think.