
Whats it Matter

 Uscita and the woman in red 
Rome Underground

I was watching an episode of the TNT show, Men of a Certain Age.  It is a pretty good drama about three middle-aged guys.  Two characters were discussing fate and an interesting line came up, "For what its worth, in 100 years, there will be all new people."

I hadn't thought of that.  In one hundred years, everybody alive now will probably be gone.  I know I will be gone too.  In 100 years, I don't think people will discuss me, pontificate on me, or even remember me.  I am not being sad or mid-life crisis depressed.  I actually find this kind of liberating.

I can do what I want.  It will not change the world.  If I can make myself satisfied with who I am and what I do, then that is enough.  Everything else is frosting.

 The Coliseum Stop
Rome Underground


  1. You just summed up "The Unbearable Lightness of Being."

  2. Yeah, we are pretty insignificant in the whole scheme of things.


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