

Leila - 042610 - Desat

I had a full weekend of yard work, a wedding, painting a relative's car bumper, and more yard work.  All of these were rewarding and worth doing, but I was saddened to hear about a friend who is being hurt by another. 

My backyard is starting to look good for the upcoming summer.   I removed all the old bark chip from the past four years, repaired the ground cloth under it and then put down a cubic yard of new chip.  There is still one huge task of pulling up a stone area and putting ground cloth under it to keep the clover from overtaking it.  After that, I have to do the usual tree pruning, cutting back the neighbor's invasive bamboo and ivy, harvesting meyers lemons, and general maintenance.

I photographed the wedding for fun.  I was not the designated photographer.  I found that I am much better at capturing the special moments rather than setting up the formal portraits.  Since this was for fun, I did none of the latter.

Leila - 042610 - Color

I've noticed since I took a few auto body classes and did much of the work on my truck many acquaintances ask for help.  I am pretty good at telling them if I can do the job or not and the quality they should expect out of it.  For this project, I assured him a "20/20" job.  The rear bumper will look good from 20 feet away or driving by at 20mph or faster.  It turned out a little better than expected.

I will not go into detail, but I heard from a friend who is being screwed over by a former partner.  The whole situation sucks and from the looks of it, everyone is going to get hurt in the end.  Some have already inflicted pain and I see more hurt coming.  All this makes me wonder who can be trusted any more.  So much for the honorable handshake. 

As for photos, I found this little gem of Leila hiding out in my old computer files.  Sometimes I need to play with a simple image and get back to basics.  Obviously I experimented with it in Lightroom.  The more I experiment with de-saturating the image, but keeping some color tonality, the more I like it.  For this image though, I think I like the color version better.  Nothing against color or b/w in general, but it is fun to play on this new-to-me avenue.  I may have to write more about it later... or not.

Leila - 042610 - BW


  1. It's lovely to have you back, but your photographs as always have been spectacular! Welcome "home!"

  2. As I was reading this I was kinda hoping that the photo was from the "Special Moments" at the wedding.

    I think I like the B&W better, except for the luminance of the lips - too close to the bricks luminance. As always, just personal taste.


Please tell me what you think.