

 In need of treatment here.  My cold lingers.  My job is threatened again.   Personal issues are boiling over.  One salvation is treatments.  They are a healing time to get to know what I love. 

Here are four treatments of the same photo of Leila. Seeing these makes me want to write her right now and set something up.  We will see.  As for these photos, I am digging the grain and edge that some have.  Click on each for a larger view. 

I wrote a book report on Fight Club over at brother blog Hear Me Roar.  The book is a great read.

1 comment:

  1. I am usually uncertain about choices when it comes to treatments. I have no idea here. Each is different, but I can't say any one is superior to the others.

    I'm sorry you are having so much to deal with. I hope you will have a nice holiday anyway, have some good company and food, and heal. Here's a hug.


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