
What is Your Intent?

Candace 082609-1A
Photo by SB

I am taking a portrait photography course this semester. I am not into photographing formal portraits, but the concepts of staging, lighting, preparation, and other aspects of them are very important to me.

On Monday we covered the basic questions I need to answer at the beginning of a project. Here they are:

1. Intent/Concept - What is the intent or concept of the project? What is the message I am striving for? What is the purpose of the shoot?

2. Execution/Technique - How am I going to do this? Is it formal, informal or candid? Do I need special lighting or props? Am I experienced with these techniques and equipment or do I need practice? What materials do I need to prepare before this shoot? Logistics? Budget?

3. Application/Impact - How am I going to use these photos? Are they for commercial, artistic, developmental, personal use? How will I exhibit, promote, and/or distribute my work?

4. Critique/Feedback - Am I going to seek feedback on this project? How will I get it and who from? What information do I seek?

After going through these in class, I thought about my own process. I often plan these aspects before the photoshoot, but in a haphazard and sometimes improvised way. I hope by planning things better, my work will be tighter and more defined when I am on a project.

Now, I also believe that sometimes it is better to throw out the plans and to go with instinct and the moment. I like doing that with all parts of my life.

Tomorrow - "Men take the light."

Candace 082609-1
Photo by SB

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