
"My own blood is much too dangerous"

Lines and Designs
Photo by SB

As Neko Case sings in her song, "Hold On, Hold On"

The most tender place in my heart is for strangers
I know it's unkind but my own blood is much too dangerous

I am heading to New York this weekend for a wedding... a family wedding. It is funny how I rather be with friends than most of my family.

On the upside, I am going to NYC for the first time. I plan to go to the MOMA on Monday.

So, to all my readers, I will try to write from the road, but no promises.


Enjoy Neko's song. I never tire of it's haunting sound.


  1. When you go forward, you go full throttle! Have a great trip and good luck with the family...I have always felt the same way about preferring friends. Keep us informed!

  2. Thanks for sharing this music.


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