
Oops... I forgot to get proof of their age

... or even get a model contract signed. I took these after March 18th. I am so screwed. I am sure the 2257 police are going to nail me to the wall.

My Little Lady
Photo by SB

Menage a...
Photo by SB

On to other subjects. I am still chewing the contents of the poem Joe wrote over at What We Saw Today titled Yin/Yang.

I am contemplating the opposites in my life. Those little and big dichotomies that I confront and sometimes deal with. Aspirations/self-perceptions, love/loneliness and many other opposites that look at me every day. I try to find the gray between some of them, but don't always have time, talent, or patience to find the middle hue. Maybe some things should remain black and white... and I need to accept that.


  1. I like your clever little pieces. Made of?

  2. They are ceramic. A friend gave us a bunch of them as a joke gift. They are fun to photograph.

  3. I'm flattered that you made reference to my writing. I have always had a fascination for Eastern thought. The British philosopher Alan Watts has taught me a lot through his writings. In the Western world we are inclined to think that we can continually make things better, but we forget that you can't have up without down. There is no day without night. Some might see this as almost fatalistic, but once one accepts this premise life can be extremely joyful. One learns to live in the present moment. The past and the future are an illusion. I'm still learning, of course. I like your photographs.


Please tell me what you think.