
Minutiae that Eats Our Time and TPS Reports

The Quiet Times
Photo by Karl

My most valuable resource is time. I can earn more money, grow food, build a house, and find replacement resources for scarce ones, except time. For the past few weeks, I've felt like I am driving 12 mph in a dense fog of life. Every moment I am handling little things like sending an RSVP to a proposed meeting, faxing my TPS Report (with a cover sheet!), mailing the electric bill payment (actually done online), taking out the garbage, driving to an appointment, eating, sleeping, then repeating.

I am not whining too much since I put myself on this path of sludge. I need to figure out how to get out of it and get some inertia going. Hopefully I will be able to write posts more frequently as an outcome.

Photo note: Here is a photo from my first session with a nude model, Lisa. I really miss taking photos with my Hasselblad. Medium format offers such great detail and tonality.


  1. "In the time of your life, LIVE!" - William Saroyan

    Time is all we have. When you know this, you live with intensity.

  2. beautiful work in The Quiet Times, think it has now become one of my favorite pieces from you. I also feel the exact same feelings in regards to your posts. Coming up on being self employed "the hard way" for my first year and now things are dragging from mistakes made in the first part of the year. A time where I could have been taking things at ease off savings yet my initial rates were too low, we live and learn.


Please tell me what you think.