
Other's Blogs

Andrea 101909-01
Photo by Karl

I had a great weekend photographing my classmate Molly. She kept her clothes on, which worked well with the assignments. Maybe someday she will want to work sin ropas (without clothing). I will post a few photos of her after a bit of editing.

I want to share a few recent blogs I've discovered and think are important. They both are good reads and one has great photos, the other - no photos.

The first is Photo Anthems Blog. I appreciate this blog because of his eye for beauty and his sharing of personal day-to-day issues as a man, human, and photographer. He also shares many great Calvin and Hobbes cartoons. The blog owner describes himself as:
"I am an artistic photographer just settling into Las Vegas. As a former soldier, the mechanics of firing a weapon and a camera are essentially the same, so I naturally took to it. The majority of my work consists of artistic nudes. I photograph what I like and quite frankly, there is nothing more beautiful than the female form."

Another favorite blog is Nightmare Brunette.
The author is a sex worker who shares her feelings, thoughts, and important stories from being an escort and a woman living in modern times. Her posts can be painful to read because of the raw honesty she shares about herself and those she meets in her life.

Here is a section from a recent post about aspects of her work.
I don't like calling this work "therapy" but I know it can be emotional medicine. Sometimes when I cup my palm around a scrotum or pull the pad of my fingers over a man's taint, he reacts in a way that makes me think no one has touched him there in a long time. I like finding those neglected spots and returning there so the first time doesn't seem like an accident. There is a way to touch another person that tells them "all of you is good, none of you is wrong, no part of you doesn't deserve acceptance." I know what that touch feels like, and it breaks open an inner yolk. You can actually feel the giving way inside, the slow flood of gold filling your heart. When I find someone who hasn't had that touch in a long time, giving it to them doesn't feel kind: it just feels decent.
I wish we could all learn to respect and try to love people with the idea that, "... all of you is good, none of you is wrong, no part of you doesn't deserve acceptance."

Have a great day.
Andrea 101909-01
Photo by Karl


  1. I follow both. Photo Anthems I just added recently. Nightmare Brunette has been eating my lunch for quite some time.

  2. Important add: Nightmare Brunette is also found on tumbler, which is the one I read cuz it has dirty pictures on it plus the fucking commentary. I love dirty pictures. She's a working girl, you know. I could never afford her.


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