Photo by SB
As the final part of my "mini-deaths" series where I explore the idea of moments when our existence takes us out of the normal and maybe gives us a glimpse of death, or some other universe, I want to look at a positive one,
"la petit mort" or
"the little death." This is the one moment that has been evolutionarily programmed into us so our specie can multiply.
According to wikipedia, la petit mort is...
La petite mort, French for "the little death", is a metaphor for orgasm.
More widely, it can refer to the spiritual release that comes with orgasm, or a short period of melancholy or transcendence, as a result of the expenditure of the "life force".
What happens in that moment when we lose control of our physical body and the deepest human pleasure runs through us taking us to what some call "the little death?" Is this just a moment of physical reaction to stimuli with intense release of chemicals into our bloodstream? Is this a
metaphysical moment, transcending the corporal being to a sensual spiritual existence?
As a scientist, I wonder why we evolved to have this moment of pure out-of-body ecstatic bliss that temporarily leaves us so vulnerable? It is a self-induced pleasurable mini-seizure. My thought is that if it wasn't something that every atom in our body both desired and then enjoyed, there would be little enticement for sex. Since this has been programmed into our coding for millions of years, we feel its pull stronger than any other instinct we have. I would even say it is stronger than the basic survival instinct because at that critical moment we are truly defenseless and both physically and mentally absent.
From a religious view, the orgasm may be a gift from the divine. It may be our one moment where we are in a divine state, a moment of baptism. It connects us to the life force we all share and are using to create life.
During the moment of orgasm, we go both into ourselves feeling every nerve release energy and also go outside of ourselves to a larger existence of pure pleasure. Well, at least that is how I feel. No wonder I write so much about sex .
I truly believe in the concept of "la petit mort." It is one moment we transcend our existence by succumbing to the most primal basic desires. Death is just a tad bit younger than life and it is one of the oldest organic conditions in our existence. Maybe by connecting sex to creating new life, the opposite of death, the orgasm gives us a taste of both in the blissful moment.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I mention sex and orgasm as a driver for procreation. I am not using this as an argument against the validity of gay and lesbian sex. I celebrate one of the outcomes of the sexual revolution that sex has risen above breeding in humanity and is a valued part of our personal self, no matter the orientation.
I found a website called Beautiful Agony where volunteers post videos of their own orgasms. What is unique about this is the lack of nudity or explicit activity. The camera focuses on the pleasure seekers face and neck only. It is fascinating to watch just the facial behaviors of both men and women during their peak moment. (There is a free preview clip on the left side) Like snowflakes, no two people have the same orgasm.
Having the blessing to see some one climax is beautiful and deeply personal. It is a moment where you are showing your true sexual self to another.
As I mentioned in a previous post about "alone time,"Some of the most intimately deep moments with a person were both of us together doing that. You have to feel very comfortable with the person to share that. I think intercourse is easier and less personal.
FINAL NOTE: In compliance with the FTC regulations, I am not getting compensated by
Beautiful Agony for mentioning their site in my blog even though they offer it.