
Dali and Nirvana

Dream Inspired By A Bee Flying Around A Pomegranate A Second Before Waking Up
Salvador Dali

I found the above Dali painting while researching nightmares and sleep trauma. In one painting, Dali captured the cacophony of sight and sound that fills my dreams.

The title lends itself to describing the off setting randomness of dreams.
Dream Inspired By A Bee Flying Around A Pomegranate A Second Before Waking Up

Look at all the little indiscriminate details in the painting. They all add up to a craziness that both defies interpretation yet defines the lost control of the dream. The elements of death, killing, danger, sexuality, distortion, flow into one another as our psyches take us through it all at the same time.

This painting inspired me to try something new when I worked with Candace Nirvana last summer. I used an LCD projector and projected words and images upon her. If you've followed my blog for awhile, you've seen examples of this technique.

I've been sitting on the images below because I did not know how to interpret them and use them. I am still not sure if I have them to where I want, but I did not want to hold out any longer.

Dali and Nirvana 1
Photo by Karl

Dali and Nirvana 2
Photo by Karl

Dali and Nirvana 3
Photo by Karl

Dali and Nirvana 4
Photo by Karl

Dali and Nirvana 5
Photo by Karl

As mentioned many times before, Candace was a gift to work with. She would look at the image and then try out various poses. Most were her idea and I would make minor suggestions so various parts of the projected image would appear on her in a special way.

Please tell me what you think. If you have an idea of how to improve these images or take the idea further, I am very open.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite is #4. The way the images fall on her works really well. The big cat is going straight for her heart! And something about the loose strand of hair makes her look more dreamlike and vulnerable.


Please tell me what you think.