

Photo by SB

I just talked with the model I am photographing tomorrow. We are working on transportation logistics since she is visiting the SF area. It feels good to get the confirmation as it gives me the energy to complete the set up of my studio. I have to sweep and dust one more time, set up the backdrop and lighting, set up the computer and the... wait, that is the secret part.

I have a question about Michael Jackson's will. Didn't he own the Beatles catalog? What will happen to that? I really hope it will be be put on iTunes so I can finally buy some of their music.

I guess this is a rambling post. If you want to read some substance, I suggest you go to WHAT WE SAW TODAY. Joe and Dr. L. both provided great posts. Joe's post about coming home to Detroit after falling in love with New Orleans is very deep felt and personal. Dr. L.'s post about true love and our inability to celebrate it should make everyone ask themselves about their own love and ambitions.

My Old Girl
Photo by a family member

1 comment:

  1. I am so honored to be mentioned in this post. And I wish you a great shoot! Isn't it wonderful how much adrenaline can be triggered by the event we call the fine arts nude shoot? There's so much involved physically, emotionally, and spiritually than anyone would guess who has never been a participant in such an occasion. It even makes us sweep our floors, for goodness sake!

    All best!


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